The Front Porch Blog
Wanna Date a Country Star?
Jessica Phillips | June 25, 2009

Wish you could catch a country cutie? Chuck Wicks opened up to OK! Magazine about what made the "Stealing Cinderella" singer fall hard for singer/dancer Julianne Hough.
Turns out it wasn't the hard core dancing or glitzy costumes of Dancing with the Stars that caught his eye. "When a girl dresses up, they put a bunch of makeup on and look beautiful, but it's false. Simple is beautiful. There's nothing to hide." Wicks tells the magazine.
Hough's sweet persona didn't just win over country radio and television audiences, it won over her man as well. "She does everything with a smile. I can't deal with someone who is always in a bad mood, who is stuck-up and mean."
So what sealed the deal? A smile and...a growl? "Girls with dogs are the way to go. If they can love a dog, they can baby something, and that's what guys want. They want to be taken care of and babied all the time."
Looks like he's found his Cinderella.
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