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Catch Keith Urban onstage and off

Jessica Phillips  |  July 8, 2009

You know you've gone to a great concert if you still feel the urge to listen to those same songs days after the show is over, or if you find yourself looking up new concert footage on Youtube to help you relive the experience. Maybe you find yourself looking up new concert dates to see when the artist is coming back.

Well, I can tell you that Keith Urban gives a gripping stage performance, and those catchy songs will stay your head for weeks, not days. Now, you can find new concert dates, online footage, and more right on your phone with the new Keith Urban VIP Pass. This app is for the iPhone or iPod Touch, and offers access into behind-the-scenes footage, pictures, and text updates directly from Keith's tour.

Members of Urban's Monkeyville fanclub can get access to this app for free. Non-members can go to iTunes to get the app.

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