Love & Gravity (Arista, 1997)
Reviewed by Brian Wahlert
However, the trio points to pop artist Desmond Child as an important influence, so not surprisingly, this album has much stronger pop leanings than the group�s previous work. The bluesy midtempo first single, �Hole in My Heart,� co-written by Child, is the first clue, but stronger evidence is the string-laden ballad, �Postmarked Birmingham.� The disc�s best track is the poppish ballad �She Dances With Her Shadow,� nicely showcasing the group�s gorgeous harmonies. �Will You Be There (in the Morning)� is a remake of an early-Nineties hit by the rock group Heart, and �Lonely Boy� features a �Linus and Lucy�-like piano. Although this album is certainly an interesting departure, after this change in musical direction, the group may never again achieve the great raw country rock of its debut.
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