Time (Scarlet Moon, 1996)
Paul Overstreet
Reviewed by Mark "Brink" Brinkman
Smooth, straight-ahead, positive, and feel-good are all thoughts that come to mind as one listens to Paul Overstreet's latest. There is no question that Paul's success has been in his songwriting. He has been named BMI's songwriter of the year five times, penning hits such as "Love Can Build a Bridge" and "Forever And Ever Amen." The strength of his songwriting comes through again here. Two or three cuts could be material for country radio. "We've Got To Keep On Meeting Like This" and "I'm Gonna Ring Her" are upbeat, positive and definitely Top 40 candidates. The album is being distributed by Integrity, a company known primarily for Christian music. Overstreet says, "It's a country record, but it fits in the Christian market because of the values and principles in it." He goes on to say, "I made an album that I feel is a really good album." Agreed. He made a good album. Not great, but good.
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