Eilleen Shania Twain - The Complete Limelight Sessions
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The Complete Limelight Sessions (Audium/Limelight, 2001)

Eilleen Shania Twain

Reviewed by Dan MacIntosh

When it was announced Shania Twain's pre-megastar recordings would be e-released, a small light of hope was lit. Could it be there was once a sweet young country singer behind this currently slick marketing package? Was there really some twang in Twain before "Mutt" Lange?

But the chopped guitar power chords, rolling bass and echoing drums of "Al Fired Up, No Place To Go" paint a picture of this younger Twain as a Pat Benatar wannabe, more than anything else.

This is only three songs in, though. It gets worse, much worse. Listen, if you can stomach it, to "For The Love" with it's syn-drums and Billy Ocean rip-off melody. It will remind you of why true music lovers treated the synthetic Eighties as one long smoke break until a little real music came back.

Is it even any wonder she recorded the hack "Half Breed," just as Cher once did? "I Ain't Gonna Eat Out My Heart Anymore" reveals how Twain was doing her tramp-y sex talk long before the gullible country charts ever discovered her. The saddest news of all is the fact that this isn't even good generic rock. It's music for people who buy albums for their sleazy cover art alone.

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