Sons of the San Joaquin - Sing One for the Cowboy
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Sing One for the Cowboy (Shanachie, 2000)

Sons of the San Joaquin

Reviewed by Clarissa Sansone

The Sons of the San Joaquin's sixth album is a hokeylicious horseride through Western nostaglia. References to the "Red Man" aside, the group serves up a tasty slice of the Gene Autry-esque West: no bloody gunfights, no syphilitic hookers, just a longing for the trail and a longing to go home and lots of good harmonizing in between.

Brothers Jack and Joe Hannah, and Joe's son Lon, make up the group, and Jack penned 9 of the dozen songs. Their three-part harmonies are rich and satisfying, and "Texas Plains" has some first-class yodelling. Solo vocals, however, can get thin and nasally, especially in the high register. Although Jack's not a bad songwriter - "Charlie and the Boys" and "Unbroke Hoss" have some cathchy rhymes and good details, and "California" and "God Gave the Cowboy Montana" do well in evoking place - the most memorable tunes are the covers: the standards "Trail to San Antone" and "Texas Plains," and the Sons of the Pioneers' "Still Water Pool." "San Antone" has a jangly, Hot-Clubby feel to it, and the lyrics and melody of "Still Water Pool" are pleasingly romantic, evoking an early era of the popular song, and the SOTSQ render it lovingly.

CDs by Sons of the San Joaquin

Way Out Yonder, 2006

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