Jon Langford and His Sadies - Stories Often Told
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Stories Often Told (Yep Roc, 2002)

Jon Langford and His Sadies

Reviewed by Bill Silvers

The Sadies' sound is an eclectic mix of rock, instrumental surf and spaghetti-western country as demonstrated on each of their previous full-length records.

But here on their fourth album, the Toronto-based band limited themselves to Byrds-y rock and Ennio Morricone-influenced soundscapes. Four of the 11 songs are instrumentals, and though the band is capable of setting the woods on fire when they choose to, the musical marinara never does anything more than simmer here.

Though none of the band are strong singers, the winning "Within A Stone" features the Good brothers' (Dallas and Travis, the band's frontmen) endearing vocals. "Such A Little Word" is bouncy fun, and on "Tiger Tiger," the record's lone rocker, The Sadies give a glimpse of what makes them so entertaining in concert. But the psychedelic, jumbled "Of Our Land" dissipates that memory, and reinforces the feeling that these stories just aren't told compellingly enough to recall.

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