Nana Hally River (Bloodred, 2000)
Chelle Rose
Reviewed by Brian Steinberg
Rose, who hails from eastern Tennesse, is to be commended for her efforts; it's not easy to make a record that sounds this professional. And while some may consider the disc a little schizophrenic - it zooms from the bucolic "Resolution" to the FM-classic wannabe "Young Wild and Free" (you have got to hear the guitar solos) in the space of three songs - it certainly isn't a part of anything Nashville is producing these days.
Songs range from the confessional "Daddy, I'm Still Here" to the family-history title track (complete with memories provides by grandma) to the bluesy rocker "Her Whole Life." to country-radio-ready "Goodbye." Rose may not be easily pigeon-holed, but you'll enjoy listening anyway. (E-Mail:
CDs by Chelle Rose

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