Cledus T. Judd - Cledus Envy
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Cledus Envy (Monument/Sony, 2002)

Cledus T. Judd

Reviewed by Robert Loy

There are a couple of songs of Cledus T. Judd's new CD that are not funny because they're not supposed to be. "Leave You Laughin'" is Cledus taking himself seriously enough to actually prepare a mission statement. "Don't Mess With America" is a flag-waving nose-thumbing at bin Laden that rhymes "God bless every (F-15) we've sent" with "Thank goodness Bush is our president."

Then there's one song ("Just Another Day in Parodies") that's not funny because it's so self-referential that nobody but Weird Al Yankovic could relate to it, "Willie's Got a Big Deck" a track that - like the title of this album - is a lot racier (and less clever) than we've come to expect from Cledus, and at least one tune ("Let's Shoot Dove") that strays so far from its source material it can hardly be considered a parody. Amidst all these duds there are a few undeniable M-80s. The "I can smell your breath" reworking of Faith Hill's "I can hear you breathe" is a Mad-Magazine-quality spoof. "My Voice (Matured)" offers a glimpse of what fate may have in store for a post-pubescent Billy Gilman. "It's a Great Day to be a Guy" and "Man of Constant Borrow" are chuckleworthy.

All in all, this CD is not something to envy unless you are really into inconsistency.

CDs by Cledus T. Judd

Polyrically Uncorrect, 2009

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