Just Another Day in Parodies (Monument/Sony, 2000)
Cledus T. Judd
Reviewed by Ken Burke
Judd's character is more of an idiot-savant than Sheb Wooley's tipsy alter-ego Ben Colder, but their creative methods are essentially the same. As a result, guest star Brad Paisley's "Me Neither" becomes the double-entendre late-night TV ode "More Beaver;" Kenny Chesney's "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" is transformed into the name-dropping, jailhouse-phobic "My Cellmate Thinks I'm Sexy." Like Weird Al Yankovic and Ray Stevens, Judd is perfectly capable of crafting original material. "The Record Deal" is as fine a piece of satire you'll find on Music City these days, and "Merry Christmas From The Whole Fam Damily" slyly celebrates dysfunction ò la Titus. Taking a cue from Jeff Foxworthy and Bill Engvall, Judd strings pungent one-liners around John Anderson's refrains of "Momma's Boy."
However, the parody is Judd's true metier, and he really gets the drop on us Andy Kaufman-style with the remarkable Toby Keith send-up "How Do You Milk A Cow." Comedy is often a hit and miss proposition, yet Judd consistently provides enough surprises to be entertaining, even when he's not laugh out loud funny.
CDs by Cledus T. Judd

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