Trampoline (MCA, 1998)
The Mavericks
Reviewed by Jeffrey B. Remz
The Mavericks jump all over the musical roadmap on their musically diverse fifth album. If looking for a strictly country album, no dice. The disc incorporates a Latin/mambo sound ("Dance the Night Away," "Melbourne Mambo"), blues ("Tell Me Why"), and even a tinge of country ("I Should Know" and "Someone Should Tell Her").
But nothing is straightforward here musically as horns and the Nashville String Machine are incorporated throughout in what may be considered the next step beyond the band's previous release, "Music For All Occasions." There is scant little of the straight country sound of "From Hell to Paradise" or "What a Crying Shame" with its debt to Roy Orbison.
Producers Raul Malo and Don Cook pretty much recorded the songs live, which works quite well in creating an upfront sound. Malo has no problems whatsoever with whatever style he is singing. The playing of his three cohorts matches his singing skills. The Mavericks have never been content to stand musically still. This very fine disc is no exception.
CDs by The Mavericks

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