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The Secret Sisters bring more than just pretty voices

Moroccan Lounge, Los Angeles, January 23, 2018

Reviewed by Dan MacIntosh

It's difficult for The Secret Sisters to dodge the female Everly Brothers comparison, especially when these two harmonizing siblings perform that brotherly duo's "Let It Be Me" live. These two women dearly love the Everly Brothers, though, and it does the heart good to hear wonderful, natural vocal music; particularly with so much of today's overly-processed music.

Live, Lydia Slagle plays guitar and acts as the straight man to sister Laura Rogers' funny stream of consciousness between-song ramblings. Foremost on Rogers' mind this night was the upcoming Grammy Awards ceremony, where the act's "You Don't Own Me Anymore" is nominated for Best Folk Album. We learned all about her preparations, which included new fingernails and threaded eyebrows.

Rogers forewarned the crowd from the outset that there would be a lot of sad songs, such as the murder ballad "Mississippi." One of the prettier sad songs was a cover of Simon & Garfunkel's "Kathy's Song." These women also sang a few songs that required a lot of spunk. "He's Fine" is an angry breakup song, while the "You Don't Own Me Anymore" was inspired by the duo's recent financial difficulties. Rogers dedicated the latter song to anyone that may be facing seemingly insurmountable troubles. The fact that they were able to make an album they're so proud of, and then also be nominated for a Grammy, is proof that we should never give up hope.

Another memorable performance was "Carry Me," a song where these sisters praise their father for being a great dad. This song evidenced the deep substance in The Secret Sisters' music and fully proved how they are more than just a couple of pretty voices.

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