Amazing Rhythm Aces - Chock Full of Country Goodness
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Chock Full of Country Goodness (Valley Entertainment, 1999)

Amazing Rhythm Aces

Reviewed by Greg Tutunjian

The title of Amazing Rhythm Aces' latest is just what this CD says it is: a rich and filling collection of ballads, love songs and Southern culture, expressed from the heart and the lighter side of life. The subtitle is "Chef's Specialties," and each song's subtitle is an meal description that sets the mood.

"The Rock" is a soulful ballad about how sometimes a weight holding you down is actually an anchor providing stability in relationships. This song should come with a "Don't Drink & Listen" warning label attached. "Rednecks Unplugged" pokes fun at the stereotypical Southerner while saluting many Southern icons and core beliefs. "Vera Cruz" is an open letter and marriage proposal that says that stepping into a commitment can be stronger than the urge to return to what's known and comfortable. It's a song about living and new life, fitting many songs here.

"I Need A Heart To Come Home To" is another open and honest admission that love can fill in the cracks created by living. "Fake It 'Til I Make It" is a painful statement that sometimes, staying away from an unhealthy relationship can be the best course of action. The CD stands out for its lyrics, singing, and playing. "Chock Full of Goodness" is an apt description of what's to come with each play.

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