Raye announces pro-business concert in Utah
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Raye announces pro-business concert in Utah

Friday, May 15, 2020 – Collin Raye will headline a free live concert in Utah on May 30 in support of those wanting to reopen business despite COVID-19.

Raye will play at a concert sponsored by the Utah Business Revival, in Kaysville, Utah. The event marks Raye's first public performance since COVID-19 ushered in national "safer-at-home" orders. As a result, concerts have not been held with many acts canceling tours until it was safe to tour.

Many health care experts, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, have warned against moving too quickly to open up the country, fearing it will lead to a second wave of the virus and more deaths.

The outdoor event will also feature booths for local nonessential businesses to give company owners an opportunity to interact with the public to sell their goods and services.

"Hopefully, this concert will inspire similar events in other states around the country as we try to unify and start pushing back against the effects of this pandemic," said Raye. "We will be utilizing the recommended sensible safety precautions, and I'm confident it will be a huge success for small businesses, and hopefully, the country at large."

Attendees are asked to stay at least seven feet apart. Protective masks are recommended. It gave no details about whether physical distancing would be enforced. The Utah Business Revival press release said, "Please be respectful to those who social distance at seven feet."

Kaysville mayor Katie Witt said, "Come support our local businesses, listen to country music, and be a pioneer and a patriot with us."

"If we can all stand in line waiting for toilet paper, we can certainly all shop safely in an open air market and enjoy a country music legend, Collin Raye," said Utah Business Revival event organizer Eric Moutsos.

On the group's website, it says, "We want our freedoms back. We want to save our businesses. We want our LIVES back!"

The group said, "We call on the governor to lift restrictions that infringe on the people's first amendment rights of expression and their 14th amendment rights of life, liberty, or property."

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