Seaforth has something to "Talk About"
"We had an amazing time shooting with director Jimmy Fisco," said members Tom Jordan and Mitch Thompson in a statement. "Crocs, terrible dancing and a punch in the face. What's not to love? We hope you enjoy it."
The clip features the duo's sense of humor, with Jordan and Thompson playing multiple roles throughout.
The duo were also the co-writers of their "Anything She Says," Seaforth's collaboration with Mitchell Tenpenny, which was recently certified RIAA Gold. Meanwhile, the duo continues to release new music with their latest track "Close Enough" coming Friday.
Seaforth is named after the sun-kissed suburb of Sydney, Australia they once called home. Jordan and Thompson are life-long friends. They have released an EP, "Love That."
More news for Seaforth
- 05/30/23: Seaforth leaves Sony, goes independent
- 08/26/22: Andress, Marlowe, Lauderdale, Seaforth, Ludwig release new music
- 12/03/20: Seaforth gets "Close Enough"
- 07/25/19: Tenpenny sets fall tour
CD reviews for Seaforth
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