Shane wonders "Does Heaven Have A Creek"
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Shane wonders "Does Heaven Have A Creek"

Friday, March 1, 2024 – Elvie Shane today dropped "Does Heaven Have A Creek."

Written solo in the days before recording his upcoming album, "Damascus," "Does Heaven Have A Creek" came from a question Shane once asked himself following the passing of his grandmother, about what really matters and what comes next.

"'Does Heaven Have A Creek' is simply the wondering mind of a believer," said Shane. "A testimony of hope that heaven has a few of the simple pleasures we enjoy here on earth. Is heaven only for A List Christians? Is there room for a prodigal 'Good Ole Boy' from Kentucky just trying to live a decent life and be a good man?"

The track comes as the sixth release from "Damascus," out April 19.

Shane had a hit from hisu Broken Bow Records debut, "My Boy."

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