Randy Travis offers free download
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Randy Travis offers free download

Tuesday, March 11, 2008 – Randy Travis is offering a free download of his new single, "Faith In You" at his web site, www.randytravis.com. The free download promotion will begin today and will be offered for a limited time, although the label did not say how long that would last.

"This has been such an amazing musical journey over the years. I couldn't have done it without all your wonderful support," said Travis. "As a token of my thanks, I want to give everyone a free copy of my new country single, 'Faith In You.' This year has been a blessing, and I'm looking forward to the future."

Travis will release his first country music album in eight years, "Around The Bend," in July. The release has been delayed since last year.

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CD reviews for Randy Travis

CD review - Influence Vol. 2: The Man I Am Not having heard Randy Travis' new material, one could mistakenly think a guest vocalist was taking the first licks of "I'm Movin' On," his new album's opening cut. Is that Hank Snow? No, can't be. Refrain ... still the same voice. Second verse - oh man, that's Randy Travis! Wow, his voice sure has changed. Well, yeah, when you've been singing professionally since the mid-1980s, the ol' pipes can slip a bit. And Travis, 54, has battled serious ...
CD review - Influence Vol. 1: The Man I Am Randy Travis hasn't had it easy in recent years with abuse, arrests and this past summer, a major health issue of a stroke. But one thing that hasn't changed is the ease with which the North Carolina native, credited with spearheading the Neo Traditionalist movement 25 years ago, tackles traditional material. That's what this disc is about - Travis doing his take on songs that influenced him. From the sounds of it, Travis had a lot of good music kicking around the house, especially Merle Haggard. ...
CD review - Anniversary Celebration When Randy Travis released "A Few Ole Country Boys" in 1990, it was plain to see the message of his duet with (and ode to) the legendary George Jones hit close to home. Just a few years removed from his stint as a cook at Music City bar The Nashville Palace, Travis' delivery of lyrics such as "Not too many years ago/When dreams weren't comin' true/I'd reach for inspiration/Sometimes it would be you" carried heavy-hitting meaning by the budding star. ...

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