Louvin fights cancer
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Louvin fights cancer

Tuesday, July 6, 2010 – Charlie Louvin is fighting pancreatic cancer. The singer, 83, made the announcement on his web site Monday.

"He is discovering a new foe," the web site said. "He recently went in to see the doctor with what seemed to be a minor complaint and came back with a diagnosis of stage 2 pancreatic cancer. Suddenly, the success of his soon-to-be-released, new CD is not nearly as important as Charlie's victory over one of the most virulent forms of cancer. He has been through a lot in his 83 years, but this hurdle is one he was not counting on."

On July 22, Louvin, who was one half of the Louvin Brothers, will go in for a complex, six-hour surgery at the Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville, known as a whipple procedure

"Charlie's family and friends are encouraged that he will be in good hands, but they definitely covet your prayers," the web site said.

Louvin will be unable to perform for several weeks after his surgery. "But, being the resolute, tough guy that he is, he tentatively hopes he can be back on stage by Aug. 21."

Louvin has been active in recent years releasing new music and touring.

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