Cadillac Sky picks new lead singer, replacing SImpson
Lowrey is from Georgia and records for Southern Ground Records. He will join the band for their tour with British band Mumford & Sons.
"I have been a fan of C-Sky for a long time. I have always had, and still have the utmost respect for Bryan. If I tried to replace him, it would ultimately end in failure. I will be bringing something different to the table, and I can only hope and pray that you like what you hear. Thank you for this opportunity," said Lowrey on his web site.
Simpson wrote, "Three years ago, I would have never imagined this day anywhere in my near future. But that was before Jesus Christ turned my life upside down and made me forever His in the Spring of 2008. Since then He has continued to devour my life and everything in it. Daily my desire for Him grows. The longing for more time spent in complete devotion to Him combined with a desire to be more mobile in my faith has led me to this decision."
"Over the last year, I have felt a relentless stirring in my soul that it was time for me to leave Cadillac Sky. So, after many long months of prayer, in the summer, I informed the band of my decision. From that moment, I have had a great peace about it. Now don't get me wrong, C-Sky has been a huge part of my life for so long, it will be weird to not be in it."
But even with the great opportunities that have come along since, I have never felt an ounce of regret or second guessing in my spirit. But I also have no regrets for my time spent in C-Sky. Through it, God has drawn me to Him, and has given me great friends that are more like brothers than band mates. Not to mention, for the better part of eight years, I've heard my songs played by some of the most creative and talented musicians this planet has to offer. And last but certainly not least, I have been honored with a great family of fans ever since this thing got going."
"The vision for my life post C-Sky is still coming together but the mission for my life is simply the furthering of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I petition your prayers as I am sure my greatest adventure is yet to come."
Simpson was not specific about his exact plans.
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