Collin Raye joins Utah miners' event
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Collin Raye joins Utah miners' event

Monday, September 10, 2007 – Collin Raye will join Utah residents Saturday to remember the miners dead in the Crandal Canyon Mine disaster.

Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman will join Raye, Mayor Hilary Gordon, family and friends of the lost miners in the Crandall Canyon Mine Disaster and citizens from around Utah at two special events to be held in Huntington.

The miners were presumably killed in the wake of the collapse of the mine. Their bodies have not been recovered.

"Now is a time for healing," said Gov. Huntsman. "It is my hope the entire State of Utah will rally around the family and friends of the lost miners, in addition to the community of Huntington, and help them find peace during this difficult time."

On Saturday, the governor will be in Huntington to be part of a Celebration of Heroes event. American Idol contestant Carmen Rasmusen and Jericho Road also will participate.

"It seems like nothing less than blessed duty, to help any way I can, as the people of Utah begin the healing process, from this painful tragedy," said Raye. "It is for the lost miners, their families, the rescue workers and the entire state. I will proudly join with my dear friends, Gov. and Mrs. Huntsman, to honor the lives of the lost and celebrate the beautiful spirit of love and giving that is Utah."

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