Country hall exhibits Alabama
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Country hall exhibits Alabama

Wednesday, May 25, 2016 – Alabama: Born Country will be the exhibit about the southern band starting in late August.

This exhibit, which runs from Aug. 25-June 11, 2017, traces the history of the Country Music Hall of Fame band.

Cousins Jeff Cook, Teddy Gentry, and Randy Owen formed their first group as teenagers in small-town Fort Payne, Ala. For a decade, the band honed its blend of country music and Southern rock, playing nightclubs in the Southeast. In 1979, the group recruited Massachusetts-born Mark Herndon to become their drummer, and the band signed with RCA in 1980. Alabama scored more than 40 chart-topping singles and selling more than 70 million albums worldwide.

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CD reviews

CD review - American Christmas With its 15-song "American Christmas," Alabama covers nearly every nook and cranny in the holiday album spectrum. And it's just as good, as it is complete. The song that hits first, and hits hardest, is "First Christmas Without Daddy." This loving remembrance for a deceased father asks sadly, "Who's gonna lead the family prayer?" As Christmas is as much about family gatherings, as it is about all the popular sights and sounds, Randy Owen both remembers his ...
CD review - Southern Drawl With all the belly aching about country music not staying true to its roots, maybe instead of a new entry into the landscape, it is time for a re-entry. Many hoped that Alabama's latest, "Southern Drawl" would be the cure to what ails the traditionalists. But the iconic band tried to walk a very fine line on its first release since 2001's "When It All Goes South." Back in their Eighties heyday, the group put the country rock sound on the map. ...
CD review - Angels Among Us Hymns & Gospel Favorites The threads of faith and family are intrinsically woven throughout the fibers of country music, but the results of such albums are not always successful, with some records feeling dry and inspired while others take the bull by the horns and really engage the material. Alabama's latest offering, "Angels Among Us: Hymns & Gospel Favorites," falls into the latter category. That's not to say that Alabama reinvents the wheel here, but, rather, that they tackle the source ...

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