Old Friends Get Together (Mountain Home, 2010)
Crowe Lawson Williams
Reviewed by Dr. Bobby Jones
Williams is one of the most distinctive high voices in bluegrass. Lawson has been around gospel singing all his life and has done as much as any modern artist to spread the bluegrass gospel as any artist in the genre. His mandolin work is flawless as always. Crowe hammers along with perfect timing and tone. The harmonies are right on, and include not only the trio but fine contributions by Cia Cherryholmes and Sonya Isaacs.
Songs like Prayer Bells From Heaven, When the Savior Reached Down for Me and Lord I'm Coming Home are standards done anew; songs where the melody and the words will continue to drift through the mind long after one is away from the CD player.
The CD is produced by Ben Issacs, who also covers the bass. The Isaacs know the genre of course. The result is a keeper. When old friends with this kind of soul for the music get together, the result is worthy of repeated play. Highest recommendations.
CDs by Crowe Lawson Williams

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