LBT looks to "Better Love"
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LBT looks to "Better Love"

Friday, August 12, 2022 – With their 10th studio album, "Mr. Sun," a month away, Little Big Town debuted the song "Better Love" today.

The band also revealed the lyric video for the song.

LBT's Karen Fairchild and Jimi Westbrook wrote the track alongside Tofer Brown and Audra Mae. "The attitude of this song is mischievous and lands squarely in Karen's wheelhouse. It's fun to sing, too," Westbrook said.

Little Big Town kicks off the brand-new series "CMT Summer Camp" with the premiere episode airing tonight at 9 p.m. eastern on CMT. The one-hour special will include performances of new music including "Better Love."

"Mr. Sun" is set for release on Sept. 16. LBT will perform on the 2022 Citi Concert Series on TODAY that morning from Rockefeller Plaza in New York City. Previously released tracks from Mr. Sun include "Rich Man," "All Summer" and lead single "Hell Yeah."

Due to the pandemic, the band found themselves off the road and apart for the first time ever throughout their 20-year journey. The group self-produced the CD.

"Mr. Sun is intentionally an emotional record that holds hands well with our last album Nightfall," LBT's Karen Fairchild said. "'Mr. Sun' is focused on better days ahead, the value of friendships and family; it touches on heartbreak and letting go, but it's full of sunshine and joy."

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CD reviews for Little Big Town

CD review - Mr. Sun Little Big Town has always been one of the more consistently good modern country groups. This latest album, not surprisingly, is also good. However, it's not exceptional. Sure, the quartet explores the happy and sad sides of love and romance, as per usual, but few tracks rise far above the merely good level. Karen Fairchild sings lead on "Three Whiskeys and the Truth," and is a dead ringer for Lady A's Hillary Scott. This is somewhat ironic, as Lady A is probably the ...
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CD review - The Breaker Anyone who missed Little Big Town's remarkable 2012 Unplugged performance on CMT should seek it out online. When they sing their monster hit "Pontoon," four hypnotic voices combine to harmonic perfection with no studio tricks - pick from any of the microphones, and it works as the song's lead vocal. But now that the group has ascended to the upper rung of stardom, different challenges arise. How do you compete with yourself fresh from a Grammy for Best Country Song ...

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