Nichols forms foundation fighting veteran suicide
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Nichols forms foundation fighting veteran suicide

Friday, November 15, 2024 – Joe Nichols announced the establishment of The Impossible Foundation, helping veterans around suicide issues.

Nichols formed the non-profit with his wife, Heather, and friend and businessman Andy Wirth.

The Impossible Foundation has been set up as a nonprofit organization with the mission of combatting the accelerating rates of suicide within the special operations community.

Within our country's military, since 2001, suicide has claimed over 140,000 warfighters' lives, 20 times the number of fatalities associated with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Impossible Foundation is headquartered in Bozeman, Mont.

"Our deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness for all who have served and are serving our great country, coupled with our unfaltering patriotism, brought about the drive to stand up The Impossible Foundation," said Joe Nichols. "Nearly 25 years after it commenced, our newsfeeds don't contain much on the global war on terror. In fact, they've largely gone quiet and, not surprisingly, many consider the battles over. They're most certainly not."

"Not only does the global war on terror remain a kinetic and lethal environment for our country's warriors, but some warfighters have returned home with their own fight, battles of a different kind," said Wirth, the foundation's board chairman. "Too many times, those warfighters see their battles as unwinnable, and the challenges seem to be impossible to overcome. Tragically, some chose a permanent solution to a temporary problem. The loss of a warfighter to suicide is rarely reported by the news. In turn, we rarely hear about that heart rendering event. Truly, when a warfighter takes their own life, it's a heartbreaking result from a personal battle and while unknown and unheard to most, it generates a deafening echo for eternity."

Established as largely a grant issuing not-for-profit, The Impossible Foundation will raise funds that will be provided to organizations that have high-impact and effective programs that reduce and reverse the accelerating rates of warfighter suicide. The organization will focus on active duty and retired warfighters that have been and are part of the special operations community, including USSOCOM and other US Government organizations that have an adjacency to our country's special warfare activities.

"In standing up and launching The Impossible Foundation, Joe, Andy and I are acting on our commitment to those who have given so much of themselves and their lives in service to our country," said Heather Nichols. "If our work results in just one warfighter choosing a path other than suicide, it will all be worth it."

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