Eric Church plays governor's ball
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Eric Church plays governor's ball

Thursday, December 18, 2008 – Eric Church will be one of the featured performers at the North Carolina Inaugural Ball for Governor-elect Beverly Perdue, to be held at the state's capitol, Raleigh, on Jan. 9. Church will perform Carolina, the title track from his upcoming March 24 album.

The 2009 Governor's Inaugural Ball features a weekend of events honoring North Carolina's newly elected governor. The crown jewel of the celebration will be on Friday, January 9, the Gala Presentation and Inaugural Ball - where Church is one of the featured performers - in the Raleigh Convention Center.

"This is a very personal song for me, so when I heard that someone in the governor-elect's organization heard the song Carolina and decided that it needed to be part of the celebration - well, it means a lot. Apparently this song hit them the same way it's hitting my fans; I'm grateful that it's making an impact. I'm also hoping it means that I can drive a little faster through the state."

This is not Church's first brush with a North Carolina governor. "When I was in high school, I was part of a program where I was a page for then Gov. (James) Hunt for a week - I ran errands, delivered mail, basically just did whatever they needed you to do. On the last day, all the student pages get their photo taken with the governor in his office, so they rounded us up, stuck us in the room and left us there - unsupervised. Which was not a good idea. I decided it would be funny to sit in the governor's chair and put my feet up on his desk - which I did. What I didn't know was that had I tripped a silent alarm - suddenly, the office was swarming with security. When they finally realized it was just some dumb 16-year old acting stupid, things quieted down. But when Governor Hunt finally entered the room for our photo, the first thing he asked was, 'Okay - which kid was sitting in my chair?' " said Church. "I'm sure my interactions with the new governor will be less...troublesome."

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CD review - Desperate Man While Eric Church has set the bar high with his previous studio albums, "Desperate Man" is right up there with his best and may just be his most accomplished effort to date. Church continues to write memorable songs in a wide variety of styles, and even when he's not singing over country musical elements, his lyrical voice is always undeniably a country one. He also knows how to have a little fun, especially with "Hanging Around," a soulful, funky tune mixing together ...
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