Jeff Carson - Butterfly Kisses
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Butterfly Kisses (Curb, 1997)

Jeff Carson

Reviewed by Larry Stephens

Jeff Carson gets off to a good start on his second CD with "Butterfly Kisses," a song that every parent can identify with. Unfortunately, not much of the next four cuts catches your ear or your heart and soul.

Part of the problem is an identity crisis: you'll keep checking the CD to make sure it's not Tim McGraw you're listening to. You're also struck by the lack of diversity. The songs may change tempo, but they all blur into background music. Thankfully, "If You Wanna Get To Heaven" does break the monotony with a crying harmonica and driving beat that wakes you up. "The Stone" has some good lyrics, although it tries hard to fall back into the mold made by the first few songs. "As One As Two Can Get" is another nice change with a different background sound, but it's "Cheatin' On Her Heart" that strikes paydirt again, right from the first chords with a Hank Williams steel guitar opening. Guess what - he can do a country song! The song won't win any awards for a great hook, but you gotta love that steel guitar! The last two cuts make the CD, though. A duet with Haggard will reach inside and grab you where it hurts. A duet with Kippy Brannon rounds out the CD and it's another great heart grabber.

Half good, half so-so, but the duet with The Hag makes it worth buying.

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