Little Texas - Little Texas
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Little Texas (Warner, 1997)

Little Texas

Reviewed by Jeffrey B. Remz

After four albums, not much has changed. Little Texas manages to mesh catchy songs and cliche-ridden lyrics into a likable disc. Likable that is if you like the pop, country-light side of the genre. The disc is certainly radio friendly like the band's other discs. The writing is lame from the get go of "Loud and Proud" with lines like "I'll take it as it comes." and "you can run, but you can't hide" in "The Call." Ironically, Tim Rushlow sings "Living inside the lines never did anything for me." But that is what Little Texas's music is all about - going with the flow of what is happening in music today.

The playing often lacks inspiration (ditto for the singing - "Ain't No Time To Be Afraid") with lots of drums from Del Gray and keyboards courtesy of Jeff Huskins, which add a high sheen to the affair ("Bad For Us"). Little Texas has found its niche out in the marketplace and proved at least for them, why fix it if it ain't broke.

CDs by Little Texas

Missing Years, 2007

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