Lorrie Morgan - My Heart
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My Heart (BNA, 1999)

Lorrie Morgan

Reviewed by Tom Netherland

Though caught too tightly in contemporary country's clutches, Lorrie Morgan's latest fails because of the paltry material. Which is a shame considering that Morgan possesses one of country's more recognizable voices. But with wimpy yawners "Strong Enough To Cry" and "Maybe Not Tonight" (with Sammy Kershaw) among the 11 tunes, what can be expected?In spite of Morgan's valiant attempts, material such as the lighthearted "The Things We Do" and the schmaltzy "I Did" simply give her little opportunity to produce something of merit.

Even husband Jon Randall's song, "On This Bed," collapses under the weight of a too-slick production. Likewise, "Never Been Good At Letting Go" simply paints the schlock on a bit too thick.

Years ago country music frequently felt the pinpricks of criticism regarding its penchant for filling albums with inconsequential tunes, surrounded by a hit or two. Album filler it was called. This is full of the putrid stuff.

CDs by Lorrie Morgan

Letting Go...Slow, 2016

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