Tim McGraw and Faith Hill concert to benefit Katrina relief
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Tim McGraw and Faith Hill concert to benefit Katrina relief

Friday, May 12, 2006 – When Tim McGraw and Faith Hill bring their Soul2Soul II tour to New Orleans in July, they won't be doing it for the money because all proceeds will be donated to Hurricane Katrina relief efforts.

The July 5 show will fund McGraw and Hill's recently established Neighbors Keeper Foundation. It will give money to organizations, to be determined at a later date, which are in need of goods, services and finances to assist individuals still suffering from Katrina.

Organizers lowered the usual "Soul2Soul II" Tour ticket prices to between $20 and $85 and the headliners insisted on distributing half the floor seats to volunteers in the area who have worked since Katrina first hit the region on Aug. 29, 2005.

The floor seats are being donated by longtime McGraw sponsor Bud Light.

"We will not stop, we will not forget, we will not quit, until we see our friends, our families and our neighbors returned to the lives that they once knew," said McGraw and Hill in a joint statement. "We hope to give everyone who comes out a few hours to just enjoy."

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CD reviews

CD review - Here on Earth Tim McGraw's collection, "Here on Earth," finds the country star sounding peaceful and down to Earth. He's more meditative than overly active, throughout. It's very much an adult album in that McGraw is speaking from the perspective of maturity, rather than pretending he's still a young man. If he's got any barbecue statins on his white t-shirt, he's not letting on here. McGraw burns through five mellow tracks before he gets to anything with a discernable beat. ...
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