Laura Bryna joins Make-A-Wish board
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Laura Bryna joins Make-A-Wish board

Monday, April 14, 2008 – Laura Bryna was recently named to the board of directors of the Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Mid-Atlantic, a nonprofit organization that fulfills the wishes of local children fighting life-threatening medical conditions.

Bryna, who is a native of Maryland, said, "I am just thrilled. The Make-A-Wish Foundation is near and dear to my heart. I have been involved with the organization since I was a teenager, and to be asked to become a board member for the chapter where I learned about the Foundation is such an honor."

A native of Mount Airy, Md., Bryna was first introduced to the Make-A-Wish Foundation when her brother suffered a brain aneurism that left him in a coma for 6 months at the age of 13. Now a longtime supporter, Bryna started volunteering for the foundation when she was just 14 years old and has been very involved ever since. She has stuffed envelopes, taken celebrities on visits to meet wish kids and granted wishes and volunteered.

Bryna, who was inspired by her work with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, co-wrote a song titled "Make A Wish" which appears on her debut CD release, "Trying to Be Me," released on Equity Music Group this past January. Her newest single "Life Is Good" will hit radio airwaves later this spring.

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CD reviews for Laura Bryna

CD review - Trying to Be Me Newcomer Laura Bryna's background includes as much acting as it does music, a history that shows up clearly in her debut CD. The vocals have a theatrical quality with lots of character in the phrasing. Bryna uses that to good effect on some tracks - it works well with the 'sassy chick' vibe on "Same Dog" and "No Man's Land." She also manages to give life to a bland hotel room, "Room 228." On the other hand, tearjerkers like "640 Battlefield ...

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