Angela Hacker no longer on Warner
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Angela Hacker no longer on Warner

Thursday, August 21, 2008 – "The Winner is Angela Hacker" may have been the title of her debut album last year for Warner, but the 2007 winner of Nashville Star had the same fate as some of her predecessors - she no longer has a major label deal.

A Warner spokesperson confirmed that Hacker is not with Warner. Songs on the "Winner" CD was drawn from songs the Alabama native sang on the television show, but she never released a studio album.

Hacker's web site said, "Angela is no longer with Warner Brothers Records and unfortunately they never released the promised 'real' CD for Angela. Only the 'promo' CD was released. Currently Angela is working again as an independent artist with Fame/EMI."

Hacker did not enjoy any hits from her release. Other Nashville Star winners who are without a major label include Buddy Jewell, who enjoyed success with his debut, and Brad Cotter. Miranda Lambert, who did not win the contest, has had the most commercial success.

CD reviews for Angela Hacker

CD review - The Winner is Angela Hacker In March, Angela Hacker won this year's edition of Nashville Star. Not too many weeks later, the label pushed this 10-song disc into the marketplace, and does it ever sound rushed and lacking any sense of energy and heart. In an album filled with well-known covers, tackling Deana Carter's hit "Strawberry Wine" wasn't a good choice. Hacker's performance adds nothing to the song, and the phrasing is a bit off as well. The playing is downright dull and without any ...

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