Mark Wills readies new CD
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Mark Wills readies new CD

Tuesday, September 16, 2008 – Mark Wills' new studio album, "Familiar Stranger," will be out Oct. 28 on Tenacity Records. His first single, The Things We Forget," ships to radio Sept. 22 with a video to follow.

"On this album I have a chance to show the other side of my personality," he said. "The side that rocks. "Familiar Stranger " is by far the most well-rounded portrait of me ever as an artist."

Wills' returned to the studio with producer Brett James. "I heard several things that were unique sounding and noticed Brett James was the writer on all of them and that he was the producer on them too," said Wills. " I basically went to him and groveled: 'Dude, I love this sound! This is the band sound I grew up with.' And I asked him to work with me."

Wills has scored 8 top 10 hits, including 19 Something, Back At One, Almost Doesn't Count, Wish You Were Here and Don't Laugh At Me. Wills started his career on Mercury and moved to Equity, but never released an album for them.

"Getting this record out and sharing it with the fans is going to be a great experience," Wills said. "I'm looking forward to getting on the road, playing for the fans and putting this new music out there. That's all I've ever wanted to do since I picked up my first guitar."

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