Blake Shelton readies fifth CD
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Blake Shelton readies fifth CD

Friday, October 3, 2008 – Blake Shelton will release his fifth album, "Startin' Fires" on Warner on Nov. 18. On the heels of Shelton's fourth number one single, Home, the first single from She Wouldn't Be Gone, written by Jennifer Adan and Cory Batten. Shelton co-wrote two of the songs on the album, Here I Am, with Dean Dillon and Bare Skin Rug with girlfriend Miranda Lambert, who also is featured on vocals.

"I'd like for this album to start some musical fires in some new fans and maybe fan the flames for the loyal fans who have been with me for a while," said Shelton. "So, I named it "Startin' Fires," which comes from one of the songs on the album, Good At Startin' Fires.

Songs are:
1. Green
2. Good At Startin' Fires
3. She Wouldn't Be Gone
4. I'll Just Hold On
5. 100 Miles
6. Never Lovin' You
7. Country Strong
8. Home Sweet Home
9. This Is Gonna Take All Night
10. Here I Am
11. I Don't Care
12. Bare Skin Rug

Scott Hendricks produced the disc, except for This Is Gonna Take All Night Brent Rowan and I Don't Care by Bobby Braddock.

Shelton previously enjoyed hits with six-week number one single, Austin, and three additional multi-week number one singles with The Baby, Some Beach and Home. ]

Shelton will embark on a co-headlining tour Lambert on Oct. 3.

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