Trailer Choir goes digital
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Trailer Choir goes digital

Friday, October 10, 2008 – Trailer Choir is going the digital route in releasing its music. A self-titled four-song EP bows on all major digital outlets on Nov. 4 on Toby Keith's ShowDog Nashville label.

Trailer Choir includes the lead single Off The Hillbilly Hook, In My Next Five Beers, Rollin' Through The Sunshine and Rockin' The Beer Gut. Produced by Keith, the tracks have popped up on YouTube after concerts.

"Off The Hillbilly Hook is the lead track on Keith's second major motion picture, "Beer For My Horses." The trio - Butter, Crystal and Big Vinny - had four songs on the soundtrack and toured with Keith as well. The group returned to the studio to record two new tracks.

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CD reviews for Trailer Choir

CD review - Tailgate It's déja vu all over again for the comical trio Trailer Choir. Mark "Butter" Fortney, Crystal Hoyt and Big Vinny Hickerson dish out 10 songs here on what is being billed their debut CD, but if you listen just slightly closely, you'll realize that these songs sound awfully familiar. As well they should because half of the 10 were previously released by Trailer Choir. Off the Hillbilly Hook, Rockin' the Beer Gut, Rollin' Through the Sunshine and In My Next 5 ...
CD review - Rockin' The Beer Gut (Holla Day Version) (single) Rockin' the Beer Gut, on the surface, reads like a song about a beer drinker's guzzling pride. But the tune is, in reality, an ode to gaining weight because this guy rocks a 'cheer gut' due to the fact that he "loves the way your cookies taste." It has a slightly urban feel to it, particularly when a children's choir chants, "Go Santa!" However, the instrumentation is country, through and through. One imagines many a man's beer gut grows a few ...
CD review - Off the Hillbily Hook After a quick look at Trailer Choir's track list with song titles like In My Next 5 Beers, Off The Hillbilly Hook and Rockin' The Beer Gut, it would be easy to dismiss this band as just another flash-in-the-pan novelty act with a couple of funny songs. However, after just one listen to the six tracks, it is clear that not only is this trio funny, but Trailer Choir has the songwriting, vocal and music talent to sustain a career. The band, - Butter, Big Vinny and Crystal - has a ...

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