Taylor Swift - The Taylor Swift Holiday Collection
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The Taylor Swift Holiday Collection (Big Machine, 2007)

Taylor Swift

Reviewed by Dan MacIntosh

Taylor Swift's Christmas offering, much like her last name, is over swiftly. There are only six songs on this short disc: two originals, a couple modern holiday tunes and two traditional favorites.

One original, "Christmas When You Were Mine," speaks of better days. It's a sad song where Swift finds it hard to find much cheer. "Merry Christmas everybody/That'll have to be something I just say this year." "Christmas Must Be Something More" attempts to put Jesus back into our annual spending spree. "So here's to Jesus Christ who saved our lives/It's something we all try to ignore."

Swift's two modern inclusions are George Michael's "Last Christmas" and the sexy "Santa Baby." For "Silent Night," the first of two oldies, Swift changes the melody significantly, performing it acoustic and slow. It's also sung with urgency, in contrast to the classic's usual lullaby feel. It ends with a gospel-y, repeated "hallelujah" refrain. Lastly, she closes this short caroling session with "White Christmas."

Swift is fine singer, who finds ways to inject sincere emotion into every line she sings. They say the best things come in small packages. And that saying holds true for Swift's new one.

CDs by Taylor Swift

Speak Now, 2010 Fearless, 2008 Taylor Swift Limited Deluxe Edition, 2007 The Taylor Swift Holiday Collection, 2007 Taylor Swift, 2006

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