For Moroney, it's a suprising "Blue Christmas...duh"
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For Moroney, it's a suprising "Blue Christmas...duh"

Friday, November 1, 2024 – Megan Moroney is ringing in a "Blue Christmas ...duh."

At least that's the name of her three-song EP of holiday tunes, a surprise release today.

The release from Moroney features two all-new original songs and her take of"Blue Christmas." The EP is produced by frequent collaborator Kristian Bush, who is one-half of Sugarland.

Moroney co-wrote with Ben Williams, singer Mackenzie Carpenter and Micah Carpenter on "All I Want for Christmas is a Cowboy" and "Christmas Morning," a holiday heartbreak songs).

Moroney released her second album, "Am I Okay?," in July.

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CD review - Lucky (Deluxe) Although Megan Moroney titles her album "Lucky," luck has nothing to do with its success. The football-themed love song "Tennessee Orange" was the first introduction to Moroney for many, but her consistently high-quality album is ending up on many 'best albums of 2023' lists for good reason. Even its extended 15-song deluxe edition has no weak cuts. It may be difficult to get past how sad Moroney sounds on the otherwise happy love song "Tennessee Orange," ...

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